What Does Low Testosterone Feel Like?
Testosterone is often times associated with the overall sense of masculinity of the males. Although this is correct, as it is the sex hormone for males, however that information is incomplete. Testosterone is not limited to the development of the secondary sexual characteristics of the males only. It is also linked to numerous bodily functions such as skeletal, muscular, cerebral, cardiovascular, and even neurological. In addition, the psychological and social aspects of the males are also affected when there is a deviation from the normal of this hormone’s count.
Imagine then what a male would feel like when there is a low testosterone count. It could really be devastating and frustrating for him. Why? Here are the three possible experiences a male might encounter with low testosterone count.
1. Decreased physical sense of manliness. For a male, physically speaking, the sense of manliness is oftentimes linked with the external reproductive organ and the ability to perform the sexual act. An inadequate testosterone serum count can cause low libido or sex drive. What he used to find as pleasurable before is slowly losing its appeal to him. This is not something that he chose for himself but it is an effect of the condition of his body that he has no control of. More upsetting for the male is the development of erectile dysfunction. Although both are physical symptoms, low sex drive and erectile dysfunction could progress to emotional and psychological disorders such as depression, low self-esteem and poor self-worth, which in turn, could affect his social relationships with his family, friends and eventually, with all people.
Another negative effect of reduced testosterone production is decreased in energy. Men are typically active creatures. They are more into sports and strenuous activities compared to women. However, due to the decreased energy brought about by this medical condition, the male’s ability to perform seemingly simple tasks is compromised. Daily activities such as exercising, going to work or even an act as mundane as walking, cannot be accomplished effortlessly as before. For an active person, this is really frustrating and even, frightening.
As a consequence of that side effect (low energy) due to having low testosterone count, this could lead to decreased muscle mass and lower bone mass and mineral density. In here, the muscles start to atrophy or become smaller plus there are decreased in strength. The bones, on the other hand, become weak and are prone to fractures and other skeletal disorders such as osteoporosis.
It is not a surprise then that a feeling of being a “lesser man” is widely felt by the males when this hormone is low in production.
2. It can make the male feel ugly. A wrong perception is that women are the only ones who are vain. Males are concerned with how they look, too. There are even some instances where they are more narcissistic than women. Hence, you would see more guys spending more time in the gym than women. How would a male feel then when his muscles start to waste away and begin to look small? Do you think it is not bothersome and stressful for a guy when he starts to notice hair loss taking place? How about when his skin starts to sag and wrinkles appear all over? It would be an understatement to say that he would really be anxious to be experiencing all of these symptoms, all because he has low testosterone level.
Not everything grows small, however, in the physical aspect of males with this medical condition. There is, unfortunately, an increase in abdominal fat mass, aggravating the overall look of the male, especially one, who is so conscious with physical appearance.
These changes of the outward appearance are enough to affect the inward conditions of the average males. Some will lose their confidence while others may start to feel depressed. Their fears, because of the physical changes, could also affect their performances in their works and their attitude towards their family and friends. Again, though this is a physical symptom but the overall wellbeing of the male is greatly affected.
3. Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness can take over. Man is used to be in control of most things. He is looked upon as the leader. He is always in charge of the seemingly difficult tasks, be it in the house or in workplace. However, when the symptoms of low testosterone serum count strike, he loses that sense of control. He cannot seem to stop the feelings of being hopeless and helpless over his situation. Maybe for some, for the first time in their lives, they cannot do something over what is happening to their bodies.
The disturbing thing about this medical condition is that it is not the physical body alone that is affected. It can also affect the brain functions of the patient. One becomes disorganized. He will not be able to concentrate and focus as before. Cognitive and intellectual capabilities are affected. As if these are not enough, even the emotional and psychological aspects could suffer. Hence, you cannot blame a man to feel hopeless and helpless in this situation.
These three feelings of males to low testosterone count could be summarized in this one sentence – everything feels wrong when a man is afflicted with low sex hormone count. Why? Testosterone may be just a sex hormone but for a guy, that hormone affects everything that man counts as important. It affects his source of pleasures and desires. It negatively alters his physical appearance. It causes changes in his activities. It also disturbs his mental functions. It leads him to feelings of depression and low self-esteem.
Everything that man deems as important seems gone in the presence of this medical condition. However, this is not the end of man. This can be remedied by a simple therapy that is available today. With testosterone replacement therapy, the symptoms could be reversed and man can have his “everything” back to himself again.
A male who is diagnosed with inadequate testosterone level can still enjoy a great life. To avoid all these life-changing symptoms, an early consultation with his primary health care provider could save the day. Be free from the numerous ill effects of this medical condition today! Have that testosterone replacement therapy, now.