Testosterone Cypionate: Explained
Uses, Adverse Reactions, Dosage and Safety Procedures
Some people have issues with low T (testosterone) level. This may be caused by the kind of food the person eats or the harmful chemicals in the environment. According to statistics, this affects two to four million men in the United States but only 5% receive proper treatment. Those who suffer from low T level may experience physical and mental changes that may affect their lifestyles. They experience shyness and feeling of inferiority. Nowadays, it is easier to help people who complain about having low testosterone level. Artificial methods such as testosterone replacement therapy through gels or injectable drugs are available. One of these drugs is testosterone cypionate. What is it and how can it help patients?
Testosterone Cypionate, also called depo-testosterone, is an oil soluble crystalline powder used to treat medical conditions that are caused by lack of hormones. It was initially synthesized in the 1930s and is now the most commonly prescribed testosterone in the United States. Depo-testosterone functions by producing circulating testosterone to meet the amount that should be found in healthy individuals. What happens to a person with low testosterone level?
Testosterone is responsible for the normal development and function of both internal and external male sex organs. Insufficient secretion of this hormone will result to late maturation of prostate, penis, seminal vesicles, muscles and axillary hair.
Symptoms of testosterone deficiency are decreased sexual interest (whether accompanied by impotence or not), mood swings, physical weakness and osteoporosis.
The dosage differs depending on the patient’s age, gender and diagnosis. Testosterone Cypionate is taken through injection. It is available in two concentrations: 100 mg/mL and 200 mg/mL. For hypogonadal males, the recommended dosage is 200 milligrams every two weeks. What are the contraindications?
Though testosterone occurs naturally in men, this drug is sometimes used for the treatment of breast cancer in females. However, this kind of use is not advisable. Women who use this treatment should go for trusted contraceptive methods or use two kinds of birth control methods (ex: a combination of condom use and pills) to ensure that they would not get pregnant. The drug can also cause birth defects or even miscarriage.
Depo-testosterone is not advisable for individuals over 65 years of age and below 18 years old.
A person should not take testosterone cypionate if he has adverse reactions to any of its compositions (depo-testosterone, cottonseed oil, benzyl benzoate and benzyl alcohol). Men who suffer from prostate cancer, carcinoma of the breast, heart, liver or kidney problems are not advised to take it.
Depo-testosterone has negative reactions with some kinds of drug. You have to tell your doctor if you are taking one of more of the following: anticoagulants, propranolol, insulin, corticosteroids and carbamezipine.
Side effects of taking this kind of drug include disorders in the blood and lymphatic system, nervous system disorders (depression, anxiety and headache), immune system disorders (skin irritation and hypersensitivity), nausea, gum pain, inflammation, swelling of the breast, baldness, frequent or persistent erection of the penis, seborrhea and acne. These may occur if the patient’s physical condition is not fit for the drug. It should be used only for treatment of hypogandal conditions and not to improve athletic abilities in order to avoid fatal physical reactions.
To avoid improper use of this drug, you have to follow instructions carefully. Most of the time, testosterone cypionate is injected by doctors in the hospitals but if you prefer injecting it yourself, make sure to ask your health care provider for instructions. Be sure to inspect the vial before using the contents. If it has a crack or any kind of damage, do not take the risk. Check for discoloration, floating particles or cloudy texture. If crystals are visible, warm the vial up and shake it properly to dissolve them.
Do not reuse needles and keep them out of reach of children and pets. It would also be best to keep track of time. If you miss a dose, take it immediately but if it is almost time for the next one, skip the missed dose and carry on with your regular schedule.
For the whole duration of testosterone cypionate use, all patients should undergo strict monitoring. Lab tests will be conducted to keep the patient away from risks of side effects. Tests include liver function testing, blood cell count, blood pressure and blood cholesterol test, hemoglobin and hematocrit level tests and bone growth monitoring.
This testosterone supplement drug is often mistaken to be the same as Testosterone Enanthate. What are their differences?
Enanthate is easier to find because it is distributed all over the world. It uses sesame oil for suspension. Cypionate is commonly found in the US and uses cottonseed oil for suspension. Cypionate has one carbon ester more than the other which makes it more soluble in oil and less soluble in water. The result is a slower release and longer active life. It takes effect 24-48 hours after injection and then declines slowly. How much does it cost?
Price varies depending on your insurance and brand preference. Online pharmacies are accessible but be sure to pick the legally distributed ones. The origin and authenticity is important in ensuring your safety. They are usually available at a price range of $40 to $150.
Once this drug is used, the patient is expected to regain sexual interest, function and performance and normal sex organ development. His health and well-being will be enhanced due to enhanced libido, better energy level, regular sleeping patterns, lean muscles, fat loss and prevention of osteoporosis. Aside from this, depo-testosterone promotes retention of phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium and nitrogen.
Any drug that a person takes will have effects on his body whether they are taken orally, through topical application or regular injection. This is why proper knowledge and precaution are requirements for all patients. However, a person’s physical response to drug differs from others. Even if you have gained knowledge on a certain kind of drug, do not forget to consult your physician to ensure your safety.